hi, i'm

haley giang

a b o u t .

learner, explorer, creator.

• I was born and raised in Hanoi, Vietnam, a country of exquisite cuisines ♡
• I'm currently a sophomore Computer Science and Mathematics double major at Oberlin College, Ohio, US.
• When I'm not studying or working, I immerse myself in the magical world of travelling, painting, film photography, dance, books, and delicious food!
• Click this LINK or the images on the right to see some of my art works. I would love for you to check them out!


p r o j e c t s .

I aspire to be a Software Engineer.
Here are some of my technical projects!

Yelp Camp

Yelp Camp

Social Networking site that lets users post, review, and rate camping sites all around the world. Made for camping lovers!

JavaScript, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose, Heroku

We Care

We Care

A mobile app that connects users to health experts for primary diagnosis and helps locate the nearest local clinics or hospitals.

React Native, Bootstrap, Expo

Be Danh Van

Vietnamese Wizard

A web app that deintegrates Vietnamese words to their phonetic transcriptions to assist users in learning the language.

JavaScript, Node.js, Text-to-Speech API



An Android food-delivery app that allows college students to order (and deliver) local food with low-cost price.

Android Studio, Java

r e s u m e .

For more details about my experience, please refer to this Resume.


c o n t a c t .

"Call me, beep me, if you wanna reach me" - Kim Possible


linked in

git hub